September Update

Thank you to everyone who attended the September PTO meeting. We launched a new website thanks to the help of Tim Sweeney-Fanelli. We added a “donate” tab that links to our PayPal account and information on spiritwear and ongoing/passive fundraisers. We also added a resources tab with links to TeacherEase (grades/assignments). lunch menus, athletics schedules and other helpful information. Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions for the website!

– We talked to Hannaford RE: Hannaford Helps Schools and learned that the program has transitioned to an app – similar to “Box Tops” – and is held in the Spring. RMS is on the donation list so we will send information to parents RE this fundraiser at that time.

– We are in the process of reaching out to local attractions such as Everett arena RE: hosting grade-level “fun nights” at their locations. Let us know if you have any other ideas for “off-campus” events or would like to help with this.

– We are currently looking for 8th grade parents to serve on an 8th grade celebration/graduation committee as well as any parents who are interested in being the chair or helping with Teacher Appreciation days. Please email us if you are interested.

– The next PTO meeting is Tuesday October 17th at 6:30PM and we are going to have the assistant principals speak about RMS discipline procedures/behavior protocols before the meeting. As always, you do not have to stay for the entire meeting.

Thank you again and please reach out if you have suggestions, questions, feedback etc.